In the documentary series titled, “Weight of Death”, executive producer Anton Moore, and producers Matthew Orsini and Jaime Borras, will spotlight some of the most disturbing crimes that occurred in the Philadelphia region due to gun violence. As the tragedies unfold, we will go into the homes of the victims whose families have been affected, and capture their horrific stories. Our invasive approach to get into the minds of people across the globe will provide viewers with authenticity and emotionalism to try and help change the perspective of these urban societies. The conversations with the victims family give viewers a perspective of what it’s like to carry the weight of death!

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If you want to tell the story of a lost loved one, tell your personal story of gun violence, play a role in a re-enactment or even submit your version of the ‘Weight of Death’ song, complete the questionnaire by clicking below. 

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Coming soon

Coming soon

The Weight of Death: The day I was shot

Is a segment of our ‘The Weight of Death’ docuseries where we take you through the story of people we interviewed who have survived gun violence and their personal experiences.


  • We are always looking for new story to tell if you are interested in telling a story of a lost loved one through us simply fill out our questionnaire. The questionnaire can easily be found by clicking the button under the ‘Want to be a part of The Weight Of Death?’ section of our website.

  • We are continuously searching for new talent for re-enactments. Simply click the button under the ‘Want to be a part of The Weight Of Death?’ section of our website. This will take you to a simply questionnaire that will help us select you to be in an episode of the ‘Weight of Death’.

  • We are happy to spread the docuseries as much as possible this is a topic that MUST be brought to light. Meeting with youth, parents and/or anyone interested to present the docuseries has always been part of the plan. To schedule our team for a presentation simply email us using our ‘Contact Us’ section of our website or at with more Information on your event.